
Caroline Ashley


London, England

Caroline Ashley

Team > Caroline Ashley

Caroline is an experienced leader and systems-thinker with diverse experience in change-making.  A socio-economist by background,  her career has spanned work in INGOs, policy research, policy making, consultancy, community development, business innovation and impact investment.

Rooted in international development, Caroline has lived and worked in multiple African and Asian countries.   She worked in the Namibian government shaping post-apartheid environmental management,  initiated approaches to address poverty within the tourism industry internationally,  catalysed innovation with over 100 businesses in  DFID-funded challenge funds, and worked with multiple development banks on their development impact.  

As Economic Justice Strategic Lead at Oxfam GB she led a global team supporting communities and challenging business around the world for socio-economic transformation and climate resilience.  As Global Programmes Director at Forum for the Future she led strategies that shift from incremental change to system transformation in energy, food and the role of business in society. 

I’m driven by climate alarm, ambition for us to transform our economy, a belief that huge change is both possible and essential, and unending questions about how to make change happen.

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